Thursday, September 10, 2015

Fall Group Fitness Challenge

I haven't done any kind of challenge in awhile so here is one for those of you who like have fun, socialize and sweat all at the same time.  Cooler weather is on its way and there's no better time than right now to become your fittest, most fabulous self ever.  

All you have to do is tell me you want to be part of the challenge and start earning as many points as you can between Sept 13 and October 31st.  Each point earned is one entry into a prize drawing.  Prizes will be announced soon...

Here's how to earn points:

Share this post on your Facebook Page (1 point)

Bring a friend to a group workout (1 point)

Bring a friend to a group workout and have them participate in the challenge with you (5 points)

Friend me and log your food on My Fitness Pal
5 day streak (1 point)
10 day streak (2 points)
15 day streak (3 points)
and so on...

Attend 10 group sessions between now and October 31 (10 points)